It is a reason for satisfaction in the quality of AU to bring to your attention the presentation of the company CFL S.r.l., founded on 02/10/2019 in Syracuse, thanks to thirty years of experience gained in environmental contexts in the Oil & Gas and Energy markets and from enthusiasm of entrepreneurs who make their professional expertise available.

Quality and safety
The CFL aims to present itself to its clients as "supplier/partner" reaching the highest levels of quality and safety. The main "core business" of CFL is the Insulation sector Thermo-acoustic and provisional works; has a structure designed to operate in multiple areas specialists of the related industries in terms of quality and costs
Operational headquarters
La sede operativa è presente nel comune di Augusta in c.da Sancusumano , strategicamente posizionata nelle vicinanze dei siti industriali di Augusta e Priolo, con una superficie di 7000 mq , dove è presente officina per prefabbricazione e pre-assemblaggi manufatti di Alluminio di 800 mq , capannone per deposito materiali isolanti per 300mq , uffici direzionali per 200mq , oltre 200mq di superficie adibita a spogliatoio, mensa e bagni per i dipendenti.